Friday, November 24, 2006

Evidence of Wii's superiority

If you don't know what the Wii is, then hit the 'next blog' button. I'll wait.

Good, now that they're gone I can hose the PS3.

Did you notice that almost everybody who waited outside electronics stores to buy the PS3 had no interest in playing one? They were all there to line thier pockets with Ebay money. This is easilty explained, the PlayStation is a hellish abomination (like zombies and Jack Thompson, and members of PETA.)
The entire philosophy behind the PlayStation is to sell PC games, accept that you have to use a controller to play them and you cannot upgrade the hardware. In thoery, consoles should be better at playing video games than PCs, seeing as they are machines with the single purpose of playing games. In the past few years though, consoles have tried to act like little PCs; playing DVDs, editing pictures, going online and playing first person shooters. All this would be well and good if consoles could do any of these things with any measure of quality. So far, they have had VERY little success. (The only good console shooter, pretty much ever, was Goldeneye for N64)
First Person Shooters on any console (with one acception, the Wii) will always blow, because it is phisically impossible for any anolauge Joystick to rival the perfection of a mouse/keyboard combo. Why? Because Joysticks can only move at a few graduated degrees of sensitivity, and becuse you're thumb cannot match you're wrist in precise control.
I don't care how much Halo you play, it's a biological fact.
The Wii is the first console to abandon the control status quo (with the exception of the Virtual Boy, but I think that most will agree, that the Virtual Boy NEVER HAPPANED.) What has resulted is a platform where the worst games are still much more fun than anything on the "vastly superior" PS3.
Hell, the demo copies of Motorstorm for PS3s crash like drunk skiers. Sony was quoted as saying that this was intentional, "to prevent people from playing it too much." To be fair though, that is close to the truth, but it's mostly the fact the Motorstorm is an emberrassment to video games in every concievable fashion that keeps people from playing it. Playing motorstorm is like playing an RTS on the PSP, it's an exercise in self control, trying to fight the overwhelming urge to find the closest living thing and hurt it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting bit of poorly spelled Hypocrisy you've posted here, "Opinionated Nerd". Interesting in regards to the way you've labeled the PS3 inferior because of the features it has, while you continue to support the Wii, even thought it has many of these features. For example, you complain that "consoles" in general are inferior to the PC, while at the same time support the Wii, even though it's a console. You also go into detail explaining how you feel the PS3 and other consoles poorly execute "playing DVDs(how this is so, I fail to understand, especially considering the PS3 plays BlueRay...), editing pictures, going online and playing first person shooters", while you support a console that does all of this, except for the ability to play DVDS. You also negleted to acknowledge X-box live, which, in my opinion, is vastly superior to online PC games, what with Xbox Arcade, and Halo 2. In conclusion, I feel you should re-examine your stance on this, despite the fact that you obviously dont have the talent to play video games of my caliber, if you are having that much trouble with a game as simplistic as "Halo".

7:14 PM  

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